Exhibition Series :

Available as Royalty Managed images and Limited Edition prints. For details on price, printing and delivery please see Sales


Irish Odyssey

Photography Exhibition Series

A Photographic Odyssey exploring Time in Ireland. Black & White Art Photography  in the context of Irish Landscape, Heritage and People through the eyes of a Bavarian Photographer living in Ireland. Mostly photographed in 6×7 and 6×9 film formats (incl. Kodak Tri-X) using Pentax 6×7 and `Linhof 6×9 cameras.





Odyssey to Eternity

Photography Exhibition Series

Man, throughout the ages, has always sensed a mysterious grand design in the vastness of eternity that echoes across space and time. Ever since humans began consciously gazing up at the stars we have been on a spiritual and scientific quest to explore time, the forces of creation and our place and future in the universe. Whether conscious of the fact or not…all of us on earth are in this moment of time on an ‘Odyssey to Eternity’, a spacetime expedition which is not only spearheaded by Cosmologists, Astronomers and Theoretical Physicists but also ‘Saints and Scholars’ ……and artists !

“The human mind is not capable of grasping the Universe. We are like a little child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. But the child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books—-a mysterious order which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects”.   Albert Einstein

This photography series is complimented by the Odyssey to Eternity : Mixed Media, Painting and Sculpture series



Zahn der Zeit

Photography Exhibition  Series

A Photographic Odyssey exploring the topic of Time…”Zahn der Zeit….The Tooth of Time” The process by which Time ‘gnawing’ away the manifestations of our earth damaging existence. Mostly Black & White Art Photography illustrating time by the remnants of our civilisation lost in time. Mostly photographed in 6×7 and 6×9 film formats (incl. Kodak Tri-X) using Pentax 6×7 cameras.






Photography Exhibition Series

A Global Odyssey exploring Time. Black & White and Colour Art Photography in the context of International Travel focusing on
Landscape, Ancient Civilisation and People.

Mostly photographed in 6×7 and 6×9 film formats (incl. Kodak Tri-X) using Pentax 6×7 cameras.